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Scintillation camera

 Refereed Papers

Title Authors Journal Year Vol. Page
Development of a single crystal with a high index of refraction S. Kurosawa, V. V. Kochurikhin, A. Yamaji, Y. Yokota, H. Kubo, T. Tanimori, A. Yoshikawa Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 2013 732 599-602
Development of a new imaging device using a VUV scintillator and a gas photomultiplier with a u-PIC and GEM S. Kurosawa, K. Taniue, H. Sekiya, H. Kubo, C. Ida, K. Miuchi, T. Tanimori, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, A. Yoshikawa, K. Fukuda, N. Kawaguchi, S. Ishizu, M. Nakagawa, T. Suyama, J. Pejchal Journal of Instrumentation 2012 7 C03013
A new imaging device based on UV scintillators and a large area gas photomulitiplier H. Sekiya, C. Ida, H. Kubo, S. Kurosawa, K. Miuchi, T. Tanimori, K. Taniue, A. Yoshikawa, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokota, K. Fukuda, S. Ishizu, N. Kawaguchi, T. Suyama Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 2011 633 S36-S39
Development of an 8 × 8 array of LaBr3(Ce) scintillator pixels for a gaseous Compton gamma-ray camera S. Kurosawa, H. Kubo, K. Hattori, C. Ida, S. Iwaki, S. Kabuki, K. Miuchi, H. Nishimura, J. D. Parker, A. Takada, M. Takahashi, T. Tanimori, K. Ueno Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 2010 623 249-251
Crystal growth and evaluations of Nd:LuLiF4 scintillators for different Nd concentration T. Yanagida, N. Kawaguchi, S. Ishizu, Y. Yokota, K. Fukuda, T. Suyama, A. Yoshikawa, H. Sekiya, H. Kubo, T. Tanimori, V. Chani IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 2010 57 1312-1315
Performance of 8 × 8 Pixel LaBr3:Ce and Gd2SiO5:Ce Scintillator Arrays Coupled to a 64-channel Multi-anode PMT S. Kurosawa, H. Kubo, K. Hattori, C. Ida, S. Iwaki, S. Kabuki, K. Miuchi, H. Nishimura, Y. Okada, J. D. Parker, A. Takada, M. Takahashi, T. Tanimori, K. Ueno, Y. Yanagida IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 2009 56 3779 - 3788
Development of a large area VUV sensitive gas PMT with GEM/µPIC H. Sekiya, C. Ida, H. Kubo, S. Kurosawa, T. Tanimori, A. Yoshikawa, T. Yanagida, Y. Yokotoa, K. Fukuda, S. Ishizu, N. Kawaguchi, T. Suyama Journal of Instrumentation 2009 4 P11006
Performance of the gamma-ray camera based on GSO(Ce) scintillator array and PSPMT with the ASIC readout system K. Ueno, K. Hattori, C. Ida, S. Iwaki, S. Kabuki, H. Kubo, S. Kurosawa, K. Miuchi, T. Nagayoshi, H. Nishimura, R. Orito, A. Takada, T. Tanimori Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 2008 591 268-271
Development of large area gamma-ray camera with GSO(Ce) scintillator arrays and PSPMTs H. Nishimura, K. Hattori, S. Kabuki, H. Kubo, K. Miuchi, T. Nagayoshi, Y. Okada, R. Orito, H. Sekiya, A. Takada, A. Takeda, T. Tanimori, K. Ueno Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 2007 573 115–118
Studies of the performance of different front-end systems for flat-panel multi-anode PMTs with CsI(Tl) scintillator arrays H. Sekiya, K. Hattori, H. Kubo, K. Miuchi, T. Nagayoshi, H. Nishimura, Y. Okada, R. Orito, A. Takada, A. Takeda, T. Tanimori, K. Ueno Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 2006 563 49–53


Title Authors Journal Year Page
Performance of 8 x 8 Pixel LaBr3:Ce and Gd2SiO5:Ce Scintillator Arrays Coupled to a 64-Channel Multi-Anode PMT S. Kurosawa, H. Kubo, K. Hattori, C. Ida, S. Iwaki, S. Kabuki, K. Miuchi, H. Nishimura, Y. Okada, J. D. Parker, A. Takada, M. Takahashi, T. Tanimori, K. Ueno, Y. Yanagida Proceeding of 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2009 3779 - 3788
Low-power wide-dynamic-range readout system for a 64-channel multi-anode PMT of a scintillation gamma camera H. Kubo, K. Hattori, C. Ida, S. Iwaki, S. Kabuki, S. Kubo, S. Kurosawa, K. Miuchi, H. Nishimura, Y. Okada, A. Takada, M. Takahashi, T. Tanimori, K. Tsuchiya, K. Ueno Proceeding of 2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2008 1181 - 1185
Development of a Gamma Camera Based on an 8x8 Array of LaBr3(Ce) Scintillator Pixels Coupled to a 64-Channel Multi-Anode PMT H. Kubo, K. Hattori, C. Ida, S. Iwaki, S. Kabuki, S. Kurosawa, K. Miuchi, T. Nagayoshi, H. Nishimura, Y. Okada, R. Orito, A. Takada, T. Tanimori, K. Tsuchiya, K. Ueno Proceeding of 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2007 4569-4573
Performance of the gamma-ray camera based on scintillator array and PSPMT with an ASIC readout system K. Ueno, K. Hattori, C. Ida, S. Iwaki, S. Kabuki, H. Kubo, S. Kurosawa, K. Miuchi, H. Nishimura, A. Takada, T. Tanimori, H. Sekiya PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE 2007 PoS(PD07)029
Performance of a large area Si PIN photodiode array R. Orito, H. Nishimura, K. Hattori, H. Kubo, K. Miuchi, T. Nagayoshi, Y. Okada, H. Sekiya, A. Takada, A. Takeda, T. Tanimori Proceeding of 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2005 2993 - 2997